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Your Art in Print

Celebrate LIFE. Live Drug Free!
Your design could be featured in the annual 2022-23 school calendar and other prevention materials. Enter now to win cash and fame!

Prize Packages

  • 1st place: $100
  • 2nd place: $75
  • 3rd place: $50

All winners will be featured on the calendar with full recognition and artistic credit. Plus, special hot off the press

Open to Youth 5-18

Navajo and Apache County youth, ages 5 to 18 are invited to submit original art work for consideration.


One Child At A Time

Theme for 2022 Art Contest Entry

“Celebrate LIFE. Live Drug Free!”

According to the Arizona Criminal Justice Commission 2018 Arizona Youth Survey for Navajo County:
Navajo County teens who have ever used illicit drugs in their lifetime include:

Navajo County (Lifetime)

8th grade 10th grade 12th grade
Alcohol 23.50% 50.50% 56.80%
Marijuana 13.80% 39.50% 46.50%
All Rx 7.40% 16.70% 12.70%

And, despite the numbers, for many people, the facts about drugs are not clear.

Artistic Elements

August 2022-June 2023 school calendar. 12 images will be selected for calendar pages.

Artwork will be considered by a panel based on appropriate theme, application and artistic properties and age. All judges decisions are final. Winners will be announced on or before June 6th, 2022.

Rules & Regulations

  • Only original artwork accepted.
  • Acceptable artwork must include theme “Celebrate Life-Live Drug Free” & students NAME/School/Grade.
  • Crayon, markers, paint, pencil, multi-media, photos, etc., accepted.
  • Maximum size 8.5×11” unlined paper.
  • One complete and signed entry form required with each entry.
  • Group/class submissions welcomed.

Submission Deadline

Must be postmarked by 5 pm on May 27, 2022. Electronic entries are not accepted. Do Not Fold! Send flat artwork entries to:

Nexus Coalition PO Box 948, Taylor, AZ 85939 for questions or request pick up

Download Entry Form

Event Details

  • Date: